As we age the inevitable question begins to arise as to whether independent living solutions work better than assisted living solutions. An alarmingly large number of aging Americans, nine out of ten, actually prefer to stay home during the aging process for as long as physically possible. While independent living may not be suitable for some, many aging adults can still rely on independent living and not assisted living solutions. Healthy aging is a great way to ensure independent living as long as possible, and these tips can give you tips on healthy aging.
Stay Connected
Just because we age doesn’t mean that we must loose connection with others who have similar interests. Keeping connections is important. Even those living in independent housing or senior housing situations have the luxury of being surrounded by those kinds of people. Those that do not reside in senior living communities or independent living communities must work harder at staying connected with others. Extra effort should be made, which can include more outings, joining groups throughout the community and finding interests and connecting with others who share those interests.
Staying active is vital for healthy aging. Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous. The simple act of walking is beneficial for the heart. Swimming classes are excellent ways to exercise and having a partner to exercise with can help hold you accountable. If you’re still working then activity is probably a party of your daily lifestyle. More than 50% of those over 65 years of age do volunteer work, which is a great way to not only stay active but stay connected with others. More than 20% of those that are retirement age haven’t retired but are still working full time, which also helps to keep up activity throughout the aging years.
Certain things happen as the aging process begins, things that you can’t always control. Metabolism slows down and your body begins to require different nutrients than before, and sometimes more nutrients than previously needed. Eating right is vital for healthy aging. A healthy well balanced diet should be your aim. Foods that are rich in fiber and low in fat will benefit your body more than junk food. A specific diet, such as a low-cholesterol diet may be recommended by your doctor.
Sleep is important for aging bodies, but it goes both ways. You want to make sure that you get plenty of rest as your body tends to need more time to repair and regenerate. At the same time you don’t want to go crazy sleeping. While some adults choose to continue working, those working patterns may shift and it may be part time or even volunteer work rather than a typical full time job. Despite this, that doesn’t mean you should spend all hours of the morning sleeping since you now can. Getting up early is still good for your body. Getting up early allows your mind to be refreshed so that you can plan your day. Planning your day rather than rushing makes it more peaceful and less stressful. Life doesn’t stop as we age, so coordinate your sleep for your slowing lifestyle, but don’t revolve your lifestyle around sleep.
Follow these tips to continue living a healthy lifestyle no matter your age. Healthy aging doesn’t mean you stop living, it just means that sometimes you rearrange your priorities in life. Some things become more important than others and you begin to value things you once thought were minuscule. Enjoy your aging years with these health tips and focus on the important things in life so that you can age healthy and continue to enjoy life.