So much in this world boils down to kindness. Many people don’t immediately realize it, but what really matters in life is how we treat others and the world we live in. If everyone was conscious of how their actions affected others and the environment, we could make giant leaps forward as a species. One obvious, easy way to start paying it forward is by donating to charity foundations. Whether your family has outgrown your recent wardrobes and you can contribute clothing donations, or you’ve found excessive belongings after spring cleaning and have household donations to part with, we can all dig up something to give. And apart from just being a generally good thing to do, there are several reasons to donate.
Why should I donate to charity foundations?
- 1. It’s good for the environment
It is estimated that 93% of all the textile refuse that is redirected to recycling is reclaimed successfully, but 85% goes instead straight to landfills, which are quickly reaching capacity, and endangering our environment and our clean drinking water. With the human population already over 7 billion, the planet is running out of room for living beings, let alone the over 4 pounds of waste each one creates every day. When donating, it’s worth seeking out green charities.
2. It’s good for your fellow human beings
Almost all — 99% — of the total amount of fabric, mostly clothing, thrown away in the U.S. could be recycled or reused. That’s a lot of clothing that could dress so many people in need. Clothing available at thrift stores or clothing donation centers are much more affordable than brand names or big chain or department stores, and some people can only afford these discounted prices. If you’re not going to wear it anymore, why not donate it to let someone else wear it?
3. It’s good for your bank account
Most charity foundations qualify for tax deductions, thus lowering your tax bill. There are generally rules and limits that apply to donations and deductions, but for the most part, donating will ultimately save you money. Tax advisers can provide more information on any questions related to these laws and limits. In order to guarantee tax breaks for donations, request and keep receipts when you drop off your clothing and other donations.
Making a difference
It’s all basically common sense. You don’t need it anymore, but you can prevent it from being adding to a dangerous landfill that will end up polluting our beautiful planet. You won’t wear it, or use it, but someone else may need it more than you know. You can help to save the planet and assist your neighbor in the process.