From bathroom furniture to living room furniture to a new bedroom set, updating the furniture and decor in your home can help to make you feel happier. After all, many people consider the way that they decorate to be an important way to express their personality, and people spend more money on furniture and decor than nearly anything else (third in spending behind house and car payments only). In fact, furniture sales represent nearly fifteen percent of of retail e commerce sales or, in simpler terms, sales that were made from an online platform. The furniture industry at large generated more than one hundred billion dollars in 2015 alone across the United States.
There are a number of reasons to buy furniture, from redecorating part of your living space to moving to a new place. One time of year that generates a considerable amount of spending on furniture – around six billion dollars – is the back to school season. Many students are preparing to move into student housing as well as apartments and other dwellings. Not only must they buy school supplies, but also be fully equipped with everyone that they need to live away from home, many of them for the first times in their lives. The back to season ends up being the second largest period of spending on furniture and decor in the United States every year.
Many people also spend a considerable amount on furniture, from bathroom furniture to bedroom furniture, when they are redecorating their home. Bathroom furniture is usually more functional than fashionable. For instance, items like a bathroom caddy or shelving often falls under the category of bathroom furniture. Many bathrooms in many different types of housing, from small homes to apartments, do not have adequate storage, and thus additional bathroom furniture becomes necessary, particularly for growing families. Living room furniture is also often purchased. Furniture items for a living room redecoration often include area rugs, couches, and coffee tables, as well as furniture geared toward entertainment purposes, such as book shelves and TV stands. Buying a new couch or a new sofa is a common consideration that many people make, as a quality couch can last for longer than a decade if provided the proper care and maintenance. The choice of a couch is often an important design choice as well, as more than half of all people in the United States base their overall design of their living room on their couch, sofa, or love seat.
There are many reasons that people choose to update their bathroom furniture, bedroom furniture, living room furniture, and overall home decor. Some people, for instance, are choosing to move to a smaller place, and thus must adjust their furniture needs accordingly. Some people are simply no longer satisfied with their current furnishings and decor, and so want to update their tastes and furniture choices to better reflect their personalities. No matter what the reason for buying new furniture, there is no doubt that the furniture industry in the United States alone is a prosperous one, particularly as certain points of the year (such as the back to school season, when many college students are preparing to move away from home).