The History of Church Pews and Surprising Places You May Find Them

Church steeple design

When you are familiar with any particular setting, you often don’t give much thought to the layout of the place as long as everything is in properly functioning order. Schools have desks and chairs. Offices have filing cabinets and computers. Restaurants have tables with dining place settings. And churches have pews. But do you ever think about how those places developed to have those standard fixtures, or the process of acquiring them and maintaining them? These things develop over time, and sometimes in acquiring the necessary materials to resupply or redecorate an environment, you can catch a glimpse of some of the tradition steeped in the history of an institution.

The rise and spread of church furniture

It may seem difficult to imagine, but churches did not always have pews, or at least not permanent ones. The Protestant Reformation eventually led to more churches being furnished with pews as a standard, when sermons first started to become the central event in Christian gatherings. But truly antique church pews, in fact even ancient, first appeared in the 13th century. During this time, removable benches made of stone were set up along the walls of the churches. Later on, there was another shift, when used church pews were rented out from churches in Catholic, Anglican, and Presbyterian communities to individuals or families who were in need or if they were holding an event that required more seating than they initially had. This renting service was actually a major way for the churches to bring in funding up until the early or mid 20th century.

Pews are for more than just churches
At this point, though pews are more than typical staples in a church, there are more uses than what the congregations use on Sundays. People buy church pews, particularly second hand church pews, in order to add a unique touch to their homes. Especially when it comes to the pews that are antiques or are more intricately or ornately designed and decorated, people enjoy using them in the entry way of a home or even in the dining area. And they certainly add a nice touch to an area that is often draped in the same designs from one house to another.

Something that you could easily take from the long, interesting, varied history of church benches is the opportunity to apply what you might otherwise see as standard to a completely different environment and suddenly have something unique. Like a pew from a church in the kitchen of a cozy home, you can get creative with your designs and really up your home or office decor game.

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