If you are like most Americans, you want to do what you can to help veterans and their families. While the unemployment rate has been dropping throughout the United States, it remains too high for our nation?s veterans. In 2012, this number stood at 9.9%. That number skyrocketed to 20.4% for veterans aged 18 to 24, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The BLS has estimated there are at least 207,000 veterans across the country who simply cannot find a job after completing their service. More than ever veterans donations are important to make to help these people and their families.
If you would like to help military families but do not have the money to make a monetary contribution, you are in luck. You can make all sorts of donations from your time to your used belongings. Anything you donate can go a long way towards helping families in need.
Benefits of Making Donations to Non Profit Organizations:
- Your donations will be used to directly towards helping military families. Items that you no longer use or need can be given directly to families who can use them. These veterans donations are always needed. If you have clothing that you or your family can no longer use, someone can still wear those clothes. On average, every person in the United States buys about 10 pounds of used clothing every year. When your children grow out of their clothing, consider giving these to charities. Clothing donations, especially in winter months when coats are always needed, can make a big difference to these families.
- Donating your items and clothing is a great way to help the environment. One of the biggest contributors to global warming is the stuff we send to landfills. Every year, Americans send at least 12 tons of clothing and textiles straight to landfills. When we do this, it helps no one. It has been estimated that at least 90% of these clothing and textiles could be used by someone else. By donating these items to charity, you help someone who needs it and you do something good for the planet.
- This is a great excuse to clean out your stuff. Experts in organizing say we should go through our closets at least twice a year and get rid of clothing we no longer wear. If you Iive in a place with real seasons, they suggest people look at what they have not been wearing. If it has not been used in two consecutive seasons (two winters, for instance) and is still in good shape, we should donate it. Weight loss experts recommend we get rid of our “fat clothes” as a way to prevent gaining it all back.
- You can cut your tax bills by donating stuff The Internal Revenue Service looks at donations of clothing or other items the same way it looks at cash donations. All can be taken off of your taxes. Make sure you keep a list of what you donate and make guess as to what it is really worth. The charity can help you with that. If your donations equal more than $250, you will have to include a receipt along with your tax returns for the yea in which you made the donation.
- It is a super easy way to make a big difference. Making veterans donations could not be easier. All charities have drop off locations but many also offer pick up services. If you are really unable to bring your belongings to a non profit, you can call them and see what options they can offer you to come get it for you. Some people take advantage of this and hold clothing drives at work, It can be a great team building exercise for your staff.
Making veterans donations of clothing or items can really help people who need it. You would be surprised at how many ways you can do a lot to make the lives of people in your community a lot better. This is one of the only ways you can help the environment and your community at the same time while saving money on your taxes.