Updated 5/12/22
Mortality is the scariest thing a human can experience. Sometimes, it becomes a challenge to care for a terminally ill family member at home. This is why hospice care is such a critical component where specialized care is concerned. Placing your family member in a home serves the purpose of ensuring their needs are met and they are as comfortable as possible.
Nursing home hospice care consists of highly trained palliative care personnel whose primary responsibility is to facilitate proper care. These facilities are equipped with all the amenities necessary to improve and maintain the quality of life in adult palliative care.
Be assured that your family member is in good hands. A health and hospice center also provides unlimited access to enable you to visit your loved one at any time and as often as possible. With a clearly spelled-out hospice agreement, you can choose any of the various family suites and ensure nothing is left to chance.
A nursing home is a beautiful place where your loved one can get the care they need, with physiotherapists, social workers, volunteers, and palliative care specialists on call. A hospice and palliative care foundation helps make the process easier and less strenuous for families saying goodbye to their loved ones.
Every day and every minute, we’re all getting older. It’s estimated that by the year 2030, an estimated 20% of the US population will be over the age of 65. The US population continues to age, the need for hospice care becomes even more important.
As of 2015, there were more than a million Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in hospice for 24 hours or more. Additionally, recent data from the National Hospice and Palliative Care Association found that just over 5% of all hospice patients during 2015 were under the age of 65.
Choosing hospice care service for a loved one can be a very emotional time for a family, but it also offers several benefits for a family:
- It offers a loved one a familiar environment, usually in the care of their own home where they can be seen by doctors and other members of the hospice team. If a loved one get a sudden diagnosis of a terminal illness, that can be a very jarring thing and the last thing they may want is to spend the remaining days in a hospital or to think that they’ll be doing that. With the hospice care service, they can spend their final days in the peace and quiet of their own home and surrounded by those they care about the most.
- It provides a detailed plan for care for your loved one’s final days which is overseen by experienced medical and Healthcare professionals. Those workers May focus on controlling and reducing pain and discomfort and generally just trying to make your loved one as comfortable as possible.
- It gives you a loved one a sense of dignity because your loved one isn’t hooked up to a loud machine or poked and prodded constantly.
- It’s a way to respect a patient’s wishes, where they can be surrounded by loved ones instead of dealing with endless medical procedures in a hospital setting or any kind of red tape that may be involved.
- It can often lessen financial burdens for family due to out-of-pocket costs being reduced as well as the help with Medicare and Medicaid and private insurances.
- Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of a hospice care service, is that it offers personalized care and support. Hospice care service members are on call 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, meaning they are able to provide care for your loved one when and where you may need it. With a hospice care service, hospice workers can offer patients anything they need from pain medication to perhaps their favorite food to even some companionship in a listening ear on days where things might not be going so well.
- A hospice care service can do a lot of good things for a loved one. But there’s no doubt that it could be tough on families. During this time, family members may experience a different range of emotions and as that happens it’s crucial that social workers and hospice care workers be there to offer guidance. Hospice care services can guide families through the entire hospice process, explaining how they’re taking care of a loved one and what they may expect as a loved one progresses through hospice care. A hospice care service can also help families with bereavement and grief counseling after their loved one passes away.
With a hospice service in your area, your loved one can be comfortable in their final days, get personalized support and have a sense of dignity in their final days rather than spending time hooked up to machines in the hospital.