Healthcare can be tough to figure out. When you’re not dissecting the ins and outs of a medical bill you’re trying to discern which place will give you the best service.
Urgent healthcare services are designed to give you a little bit of everything in one place. A convenient quality and cost is yours the second you walk through the door, no matter the type of insurance you have. The benefits of urgent care are designed, at their root, to give you fast and efficient care at the drop of a hat. Injuries and illnesses don’t wait until you’re having a good day to strike. It doesn’t make sense to have healthcare services act the same.
Advanced diagnostic and laboratory services. 24 hour urgent care locations. These are just a few of the benefits you’ll receive when you switch up your health plan.
The Urgent Care Market Is Growing More By The Day
You may have noticed more of your friends and family visiting urgent care centers. This is due to the way the market is expanding, cropping up more clinics and seeing more specialists choosing urgent care medicine. HealthCare Appraisers determined the urgent care center market to be highly fragmented, with operators owning an average of three centers. Despite this, more Americans than ever before are choosing urgent healthcare services as their main form of healthcare. This is thanks to the low cost and easy convenience of its locations.
Over Half Of ER Visits Could Have Been Treated At Urgent Care
You read that correctly. While the emergency room is necessary for life threatening situations, it is often misused for minor and moderate injuries. According to a private study, between 45% to 65% of all emergency room episodes could have been treated at an urgent care location. More than 70% of ER visits involving patients with consumer sponsored insurance coverage are for non-emergency conditions, according to another study. Save yourself some money and stress by visiting urgent healthcare services.
Several Injuries Will Be Treated On The Spot
If you’ve been cut or burned, your first stop should be urgent healthcare services. According to the 2016 Benchmarking Report conducted by the Urgent Care Association, over 90% of urgent care centers maintain wait times of 30 minutes. This is perfect for getting you in and out of the center before your symptoms start getting worse. More than one quarter of American patients reported in 2016 they visited an urgent care center in the last two years. This number is only growing higher, so start looking up urgent care locations nearby to be prepared.
Illnesses And Unknown Symptoms Will Be Diagnosed
Alongside cuts, burns, and fractures, your urgent healthcare services can address a number of illnesses. The Urgent Care Association Of America’s Benchmarking Report in 2016 took a look at some of the most common issues brought to clinics today. These include acute bronchitis, acute pharyngitis, acute sinusitis, acute upper respiratory infection, and severe cough. If you’ve been experiencing breathing difficulties or don’t know your abdominal pain causes, never fear. Your 24 hour emergency care has you covered.
Apply For Vaccinations Or Physicals At Urgent Care Centers
You don’t have to visit urgent healthcare services when you’re already in pain. You can visit as soon as you’re able and request a check-up to make sure you’re doing well. Vaccinations should be reviewed once a year, particularly when it comes to the flu (which has to be renewed on a rolling basis to keep up with the mutating virus). You should consider requesting a physical if you’ve been struggling with chronic pain for at least three months, as well. Good healthcare provides not just fast service, but preventative measures to keep you in a good spot.
Simplify healthcare a little. Visit your 24 hour walk in clinic location next time you have a headache that won’t go away.