Across the globe, one of the most common activities is crafting. Now, that does not mean that everyone is involved in crafting but instead that more and more people are getting involved with furniture craft ideas and crafting furniture. People like to either make their own items or they want to buy craft cabinet storage ideas from a website.
Crafters are younger than the population in general. About 35% of crafters are between the ages of 18 and 34; 37% are between the ages of 35 and 54, and 28% are over the age of 55. There are an estimated 21 million quilters in the United States. These two statistics point to just how common it is for people to toss around craft cabinet storage ideas that they want to implement in their home.
One of the benefits of using craft cabinet storage ideas is being able to better organize one’s home. According to NPR, the average American home has nearly tripled over the past 50 years. Because of this expansion, people spend a lot of time searching for items that they have lost. As a matter of fact, over the course of a lifetime, people spend 3,680 hours, or 153 days, searching for misplaced items. Research shows we lose up to nine items each day, or 198,743 throughout our lives.
Crafting Is Popular Amongst Women
One of the most popular craft websites is Etsy. Etsy can be boiled down to a website where crafters and creators can put up their items for sale. This is why people look to Etsy for craft cabinet storage ideas.
When Etsy surveyed 5,500 of its United States sellers, it found that that 97% worked from home and 74% considered their shops to be businesses, not hobbies. When Etsy surveyed 5,500 of its United states sellers, it found that 88% were women. Women are much more in tune with their creative side as opposed to men.
Women love craft cabinet storage ideas and fashion more than men without question. Forbes recently revealed that the average American woman owned only nine outfits in the year of 1930. Today, the average woman owns nearly 30 outfits. So this just goes to show why women may be more interested in craft cabinet storage ideas. It can help them store all of their clothing and other items.
Crafting Has Health Benefits
A shoe cube organizer and other craft cabinet storage ideas can go a long way for people’s health. While this may sound silly at first, science has proven that getting involved with furniture crafting and home organization craft ideas can really help people feel good. So if you are looking into craft cabinet storage ideas, know that you are receiving more than just a cool stylish piece of furniture.
Research from the Association for Creative Industries shows that crafting is becoming more popular. In 2010, only 56% of U.S. households participated in crafting. As of 2017, 63% of American households enjoyed craft time. Crafting can release dopamine. A study published in The British Journal of Occupational Therapy found that 81% of respondents with depression reported feeling happy after knitting.
In Conclusion
Crafting will allow for people to not just feel better but to also provide themselves with helpful organizational tools. Complex storage cubes and units can be implemented into the average household in ways that truly help people better organize their surroundings.