Home security systems have come a long way over the years. They are so much more than cameras mounted outside homes and businesses. They’re high-tech systems that can help protect against all manner of issues and security concerns. Modern security cameras have easy memory card access and innovative burglary monitoring setup options. No matter what your needs are you can find a security system that is right for you and your situation.
There are plenty of options to choose from, including small scale systems for a home to massive multi-camera setups for businesses. There are options for 30 camera security system systems and even 64 camera security system options as well as everything in between. Buying a home security system is an example of smart ownership, and the same goes for business owners who protect their investment with an updated security system.

Don’t put your home or business in danger. Call your local security company and see what options are available. These pros can walk you through the details of every system and help you find the one that is best for your needs and security goals. Don’t put it off any longer- make the call today!

If you own a business or are a homeowner then there is something that you will want to have in order to protect all of your valuable possessions. One of the most important decisions you make is whether or not you want to install a commercial security system in your home in order to protect the valuables inside of it.
This goes for both businesses and residential buildings. Burgalars are likely to break into both places and are likely to do so if there is no commercial security system to protect said building. As a matter of fact, it has been proven through studies that homes without any sort of commercial security system are up to 300% more likely to be broken into. Here are some other reasons why you should get a commercial security system to protect your prized possessions.
A commercial security system will involve video surveillance system, security system maintenance, security system installation, and many other protective tools to keep you safe. As of right now, there are an estimated number of 18 million home securiy systems installed in the United States. That means that a majority of homeowners rely on a commercial security system to keep themselves safe.
This is done so because United States business will experience $13 billion in shoplifting losses each year. Also, in the year of 2013 the number of property crimes committed totaled out to about $8.6 million, which was 4.1% less than in 2012. Also, in that same year of 2014, all money lost from reported property crimes manage to equate to $16.6 billion. Protect yourself from losing money and losing valuables with a commercial security system.
61% of all burglaries are done so with forcible entry, meaning that the burglar had to force their way into the house. Each year in the United States there are more than 2.5 million home intrusions reported each year. Of those home intrusions, only 13% can be solved because police end up lacking a witness or physical evidence that is normally needed to solve a case.
85% of police officials surveyed believed that home monitoring systems help deter burglary attempts. Some insurance providers offer discounts up to 20% when a home security system is installed. According to the US Department of Commerce, approximately 75% of employees steal. About 30% of all burglaries occur with the offender entering through an open or unlocked door.
In conclusion there are an endless number of benefits from paying for the installation of a commercial security system in your buidling to protect your items of value. 85% of break-ins are committed by people who are non-professional criminals. It does not take much for the commercial security system to scare them away between the alarm system and the prospect of being captured on camera. Make sure you protect your business from any sort of danger. Do the right thing for you and your business. Install a commercial security system, and you will see the benefits.