Do you own different types of outdoor animals? If you do, you probably want to ensure that they are provided with all they need to survive in the outdoors. You can?t simply let them loose in your backyard for good and hope that they?re still safe and sound the next day. Instead, you need to provide them with the best homes depending on what the animal is. From dogs to chickens, they all need a proper dog kennel or chicken coop to live in outside.
Are you planning on getting outdoor animals or do you already have them and want to learn more about how to house them outside? Keep reading to find out why Amish dog houses and Amish chicken coops are top of the line for your animals.
History of Amish Furniture in the United States
The Amish have been building wooden furniture in the United States for quite a while now. Over the decades, it has become more and more popular to purchase Amish furniture for a variety of reasons. Beginning in the 1920s, the furniture made by the Amish was beginning to get noticed by outsiders. During this time, furniture that was well-built and had style was noticed in America. That?s why people started noticing Amish furniture as a cultural art form. Many thought the pieces were not only of high-quality but also simply beautiful to have in their homes.
Ever since the Amish began making their own furniture, it has been hand-crafted. Every single piece you will find is guaranteed to be 100% hand-crafted by the Amish selling it. So, what exactly are they hand-crafting when they make this high-quality furniture? Most Amish furniture is made from five different types of woods. When you purchase furniture from the Amish, you can expect for it to be either oak, cherry, hickory, walnut or maple wood that the furniture is comprised of.
Why You Should Purchase Amish Furniture
Now, you may be wondering why you should seek out Amish furniture when trying to find housing for your outdoor animals and pets. It would probably be easier to go to a large chain store and purchase one of the lower priced dog kennels or chicken coops. This wouldn?t be the smartest choice, though. There?s no guarantee that what you?re purchasing is worth the money you?re spending on it. If you truly care about your pets and animals, you want only the best for them, especially if they have to live the majority of their lives outdoors.
One of the main reasons to purchase Amish furniture like Amish dog houses and Amish built chicken coops is due to how long the furniture can last. Even though it is outside and weathering all different kinds of conditions, Amish furniture is expected to last longer than most other furniture you can purchase. For instance, statistics show that a wooden shed made by the Amish could last anywhere from 15 to 20 years. That means, your Amish dog houses or chicken coops could be worth all the money you invest into them just in the number of years they can last in your backyard.
If that?s not enough to convince you, when you purchase furniture prior to it being made, you can also request certain modifications or customizations based on your needs or wants. You?re not simply stuck with whatever is available to purchase off the shelf at the store. If you want Amish dog houses that can fit more than one dog at a time, you could request that when you make your purchase. The same could be said for any number of other preferences you may have for the outdoor furniture you are purchasing.
If you have a rather large number of chickens in your backyard, simply communicate that to the builder and get just the right chicken coop to match your needs. Don?t waste any money on an items that doesn?t fit your requirements.
Have you ever purchased furniture from the Amish? Do you think you will look into purchasing Amish dog houses or other outdoor furniture from the Amish for your home? Let us know about your experiences finding dog houses that match your needs.