As more American families search for innovative ways to save money on routine household expenses, many of them are turning to local thrift stores and donation centers. Looking for a prom dress or wedding dress? Chances are that organizations that organize local donation pick ups can help. Taking the time to thoroughly peruse local clothing donation centers, many of which exist to provide support for military families and local veterans charities, can help trim thousands every year from clothing budgets.
Donated clothing centers enjoy strong local interest, and Americans typically buy at least 10 pieces of clothing from clothing donation centers every year. The recycled clothing industry is experiencing a drastic upswing in interest from Americans from every walk of life: the industry as a whole actually absorbs more than 2 million tons of shirts, pants, jackets, and other household items like towels and blankets every year. Clothing donation centers employ more than 17,000 workers across the United States, and local donation pick ups make it easy to donate used clothing in good condition.
All of our charitable donations amount to a grand total of almost $6 billion in clothing that is saved from landfills each year. Clothing donation centers estimate that they recycle and resell about 15% of all clothing that gets thrown away every year, and as the numbers continue to climb, more American families realize that they could save thousands just by shopping for used clothing instead of spending their money at stores where a single sweater could cost as much as $50.
Saving money is pretty simple when families shop at clothing donation centers: all they have to do is examine the clothing for its condition before purchasing it, and then take it home, wash it, and then wear it. Local donation pick ups can help people donate clothing that is left over from garage sales, estate sales, or that simply does not fit members of their family anymore. And then anyone can go to clothing donation centers and search for name-brand buys at discount prices: children outgrow their clothing so quickly that families need to be on the lookout for ways to save money.
The best part of shopping at recycled clothing donation centers is knowing that your clothing dollars will go to support military families and local veterans’ charities; teens love to find name-brand items at low prices because that way, they can buy more clothing. Typically, buying a teen a complete wardrobe of clothing could cost parents as much as $1,000 every school year, but for the price of a name-brand jacket in a retail store, kids can find ten separate pieces of clothing — or more.
It is pretty exciting for kids to see such a wide variety of clothing: most retail stores only stock a small range of coats, pants, or sweaters, and kids who are trying to stand out at school often find themselves with the same shirt as three or four other children. Supporting local charities and teaching children about recycling and about helping their communities thrive: that’s the “teachable moment” that is available to parents every time they choose to buy clothing from a clothing donation center or thrift store.