Though many Americans are eager to show their support for military families, veterans, and active duty service members, many are unsure where to begin or how to start. Donating clothing to charity has a become an increasingly popular to give back to the military community.
There are several local and national organizations that help military families by accepting and redistributing clothing donations, many of which even offer scheduled donation up services to make giving back easier than ever. This is an excellent option for those with hectic schedules, but would still like to make a charitable donation.
Donating clothing to charity isn’t just a great of supporting the military community, it’s also beneficial for the environment, which is another cause concerning many Americans.
On average, Americans discard an estimated 68 pounds of clothing annually. Almost 99% of clothing that is thrown away can be reused or recycled. Clothing donations significantly reduce the amount of waste in landfills, as well as reduces pollution.
An estimated $5.8 billion worth of clothing related donations were made to various charity foundations in 2007, which reflects an increasing demand for used clothing, reprocessed fibers, and cloth wipes. In fact, the clothing recycling industry cannot seem to get enough, and Americans are encouraged to keep continue making donations when possible.
In fact, “thrifting”, or shopping for clothing at consignment and thrift stores has become quite popular, with whole blogs, reality shows, and even radio hits highlighting the benefits of purchasing recycled clothing.
Donating clothing to charity, particularly charities for military families, is an excellent way to help those in need. Americans can feel confident that they are not only serving their community, but also preserving the environment for generations to come. Sio instead of “popping” some tags at the mall, why not “drop” some tags off at your local military charity.