You have a loved one that’s starting to get on in their years. They want to age in place, but you don’t have the money or time to care for them.
Assisted living homes have likely come up more than once, whether in passing or directly. This is a conversation many adults are having lately, as the United States is seeing a significant portion of its population reaching its golden years this decade. Unfortunately, it’s not an easy topic to talk about. There are a lot of common misconceptions about the function of senior housing and what it stands to do for those that just want to age comfortably. Should you be hitting a roadblock discussing assisted living homes with your family, consider reading on.
This list will cover the basic amenities provided by the best assisted living and what your loved one can expect to enjoy when they make the transition.
The Perspective On Aging In America
Even if you haven’t had a discussion about assisted living homes yet, you likely know a friend or co-worker that has. The United States is soon going to see a lot more individuals applying for senior living. The Institute On Aging reported over one million Americans to be living in assisted living homes back in 2012, a number that gets significantly bigger by the year. Look again to the Population Reference Bureau, where it’s thought nearly 100 million Americans will be 65 or older once 2060 arrives. Accurate information is more important than ever to make this transition smooth.
Common Chronic Health Conditions Today
There are many chronic illnesses and disabilities in the country. This is due partially to the rapidly aging population — with some conditions either caused or exacerbated by age — as well as the expanding definition on disability. The National Council On Aging recently reported 75% of seniors have at least one chronic health condition, though it’s agreed that most have two or more. These include lower back pain, upper back pain, type 2 diabetes, dementia, and Alzheimer’s. You’ll also find mobility issues to be extremely common.
Frequent Concerns Brought Up About Senior Living
A major issue that keeps today’s seniors from receiving the comfort and medical attention they need is the view of being a burden. While many want to ‘age in place’ — a term used to describe growing old in the comfort of one’s own home — this is simply not possible for many people’s lifestyle or budget. Among the population of older adults in the country, nearly 8% require personal care from other people, whether this involves meals, transportation, or help with grooming. Assisted living homes are also commonly seen as a death sentence.
Major Misconceptions About Assisted Living Homes
What’s the first thing you think of when you hear about retirement communities? Many would say drab surroundings, isolated lifestyles, and bad food. The fact of the matter couldn’t be more different. It’s estimated over eight million seniors today receive support every year from the five main types of long-term care available in the United States — home health agencies, nursing homes, hospices, residential care communities, and adult day service centers. The best assisted living is designed to help an individual transition from one area of their life to the other.
Starting The Conversation About Assisted Living Homes
The most important thing to bring to the table when discussing assisted living homes with a loved one is the main positive they offer — a comfortable and reliable way of growing old. Assisted living homes provide around-the-clock care for those with chronic illnesses, with experienced nurses administering medicine and helping reduce the pain of debilitating diseases. Transportation planning, help with daily activities, and cultivating a vibrant and close-knit community are just a few of the positive elements that take the sting out of aging. Residents can also expect to enjoy hobbies, learn new skills, and make new connections alongside their old friends and family.
Retirement living isn’t an unfortunate setback. It’s a wonderful resource designed to enhance a person’s life.