You’re ready to gear up for your vacation. You have just about everything in order…
…except a place to store your unwanted equipment when you’re out-of-state. It could be a boat you don’t plan on using or some additional furniture that needs a place to stay while your house is under renovation. Whatever has you scratching your head, there are on site storage units available to cure what ails you. Shipping container storage rental is an extremely useful resource for people who want a little peace-of-mind while they’re in the middle of a shift, giving you some additional security without breaking your bank. Which ones should you choose, though?
Find out by reading the list below and becoming better acquainted with on site storage units.
It’s easy to see why on site storage units and office storage containers are in such high demand. According to the LA Times the average American home has to deal with a staggering 300,000 items. That ranges from furniture to unwanted clothes to spare knick-knacks, among other things, and this number can fluctuate mightily depending on how often on site storage units are used. It’s not uncommon to see families attempt to mitigate their space by using their two-car garage as an extra storage compartment, which can lead to some friction when there’s less room for single-passenger vehicles and boats.
Organization is key to living a high quality life. Reduced clutter means reduced anxiety. It means spending less time scrounging around for your car keys or your favorite hat on the way out of the door. According to studies provided by the U.S. Department Of Energy over 25% of people with a two-car garage don’t have room to park their cars inside. Another 30% only have room for just one vehicle. When the United States has over 50,000 storage facilities (or five times the number of Starbucks in the nation), you can rest easy knowing there are options out there to reduce clutter in your life.
On site storage units take on many forms. The global container market, in particular, is expected to see demand increase significantly by the time 2019 rolls around. One study estimated as much as 5%, which is higher than average in similar industries. Between 1980 and 2015 the quantity of goods carried by containers also rose from 100 million metric tons to nearly two billion metric tons. By the time 2016 arrived the revenues of truck, utility trailers and RV rentals hit $16 billion. What does this mean for you and your storage needs this year?
Think about how much money you’ll save in the long term by storing your car, boat or RV somewhere safe. It costs an average of $10 per square foot to store items in your own home, which is nothing to say of wasted money attempting to find lost items or clean up day in and day out. You also have to think about weather damage, rust build-up or mold build-up when you’re out of the state. On site storage units are a wonderful way of keeping your hard-earned belongings safe from unwanted visitors and environmental damage. Residential storage containers for rent, in a short, pay for themselves.
Today there are over 17 million shipping containers in global circulation. Over five million of these are designated as active shipping containers, while the rest work well as on site storage units, mobile offices and even trailer rentals. The New York Times Magazine recently reported one out of every 10 Americans rent offsite storage, making this easily the fastest growing segment in the commercial real estate industry yet seen over the past four decades. People rely on cargo storage containers for rent to keep their equipment safe, their furniture protected from damage and their peace-of-mind in-tact.
Make sure everything is in its place. Invest in a storage site unit that invests in you.