Not only is cremation an increasingly common choice for grieving families, but it’s fast becoming standard for pet owners looking to memorialize their animals as well. Pet urns for ashes are becoming a common sight in homes all over the world.
According to the National Funeral Directors Association, 56% of all deaths in the U.S. will involve cremation. And while similar statistics aren’t available for pet cremation, the number of businesses offering cremation and animal urns for ashes have been surging this decade. While cremation has always been common for pets, new services allow pet mourners to remember their friends with new burial urns and unique keepsakes for ashes. And not just in the United states; pet cremation is becoming popular all over the world, too.
In the United Kingdom, pet crematoriums and cemeteries are a booming business, with more than 50 new such operations opening in the past few years. In addition to planning a funeral for their companions, some pet owners across the pond even choose to be laid to rest beside their animal best friends. Animal urns for ashes make this possible.
Additionally, some vets are now collaborating with pet memorial services to connect pet owners with businesses that can help them remember their pet for years to come.
Back stateside, it’s estimated that more than 2 million pets are cremated every year. And while pet cemeteries aren’t quite as popular in the U.S., every year more Americans choose to inter the remains of their pets in animal urns for ashes. These personalized urns can help “pet parents” provide a more dignified send off for their dog, cat, bunny, horse, or any other animal companion.
Still others opt to display the urns and cremation keepsakes in their home. Their pets never left their side in life, and neither will they after they’ve passed on. Animal urns for ashes can hold some or all of a pet’s remains, allowing grieving pet parents to also scatter ashes or bury their remains in biodegradable cremation urns. And because urns come in a variety of shapes, styles, and decorative designs, they can blend into any home decor.
Pet cremation is part of a larger trend; cremation is not only less cost prohibitive for mourners, it also allows people to create cremation jewelry or memorial keepsakes customized to their unique desires and wishes. Plus, affordable cremation urns allow everyone to remember their pets, no matter what.