Between right now and the year of 2050, the number of senior citizens living in the United States is going to jump from 40 million to just about 90 million. This is going to create a strong demand for healthcare services, senior housing, and many more important facilities.
If you have a someone in your life that you love and value that is a senior citizen, then it is going to time for you make some tough decision pretty soon. While many senior citizens will resist Senior Living and entering a senior care facility, there are so many great benefits for them in terms of their safety, health, and enjoyment of life. Here are some key facts that you and your family should know about Senior Living and how it can help the older people you love.
Just about 40% of all assisted living residents receive some form of assistance with three or more activities of daily living. This is done to ensure that they are safe and do not risk any serious injuries. Understand that as you grow older you are more susceptible to injuries. Right now, nearly 1 million Americans live in some form of senior living community and that number is going to double by the year of 2030.
While many older people are skeptical of senior living facilities, just about 90% of all people that are inside of independent living residents believe that they are purely satisfied with their experience. More than 55% of all people reported that their greatest fear when coming down with a long-term care illness or event was being a burden on their family. They were more concerned with this than they were the chances of them dying.
Understand that as people grow older they are more likely to develop dementia. As a matter of fact, just about 5.5 million Americans with Alzheimer’s and dementia require specialized dementia care treatment. One in ten people over the age of 65 have Alzheimer’s disease and 35% of all caregivers for people believe that their own health has worsened due to their responsibilities. Make sure you are not hurting yourself and giving yourself too much, allow a professional to help you with Senior Living.
In Conclusion
According to the Assisted Living Federation of America, there is a 7L1 ratio of women to men in Senior Living communities, Allow the assisted care home and assisted living facilities to not only help the older person you love and care about but also yourself. While it is important to think about the people you love in your life, you do have to think about yourself as well. You should not load up your responsibilities if you have a lot going on. It is unkikeky that the person you love wuold want you to throw your life away. Allow the professionals to come in and help you and your loved ones with your grave situation.